Suggested Changes Replace garage and front doors with modern, dark wood designs. Add a white pergola extending over the front entrance. Maintain blue exterior siding while incorporating traditional style elements. Optimize landscaping for enhanced curb appeal.

The proposed exterior remodel transforms the home’s appearance by integrating a transitional design style. The existing blue siding remains, but the garage and front doors are updated to a modern, dark wood finish to create a more contemporary look. Extending a white pergola from the right of the garage to the front door adds a welcoming and stylish architectural element. This pergola will be approximately 15 feet long, matching the width of the driveway, which measures 10 feet. The combination of traditional and modern design elements enhances the home’s curb appeal while maintaining functionality. Landscaping is optimized to frame the new entrance, utilizing drought-resistant plants for sustainability. These changes are not only aesthetic but also offer practical improvements, such as enhanced protection from the elements with the pergola addition.
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