Modern Bedroom Design Under Budget

Suggested Changes Color Scheme: Use neutral and warm colors for a cozy atmosphere. Furniture Placement: Place a desk on one side and a vanity on the other to maintain balance. Storage Solutions: Install sliding mirrored doors for closets to maximize space and functionality. Lighting: Use recessed lighting for a clean look. Budget: Keep the design under $5000.

Detailed Description The proposed remodel consists of a modern, 15×15 feet bedroom designed with a minimalist aesthetic. Key elements include a queen-sized bed situated centrally to maintain symmetry and balance. A desk, measuring approximately 4×2 feet, is placed on one side, offering a dedicated workspace. On the opposite side, a 4×2 feet vanity with a mirror is included for personal grooming. Storage is enhanced with built-in wardrobes that have mirrored sliding doors, contributing to both concealment and an illusion of more space. The lighting is subdued with recessed fixtures that add to the room’s clean lines and modern feel. The color palette uses neutral and warm hues, providing a calm and inviting ambiance. The entire design keeps the functionality and aesthetic appeal within a modest budget of under $5000, allowing for immediate project completion.